Program your wellness with Placebo Care

Not everyone needs supplements or pharmaceuticals to be well. At least 36% of people are highly placebo responsive. That means they can get better using a drug-free placebo. The response is even better when you pair it with clear intention, a ritual, daily journaling, and activities to improve your outcomes.

Placebo Care brings this all together into one programmable system.


Daily progress on your terms.

Use our app for sensible notifications, progress tracking, outcome-boosting activities, and biometric reporting to optimize your results.

Or keep your phone on the nightstand and use our Daily Quick Journal to track your progress day to day.

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Every person has a trigger that works better for them.

So we let you choose your pill. Some people are more open to supplements, others to prescriptions. Depending on the outcome you’re looking for, the type of pill you use as a placebo trigger and the way it’s presented can drastically improve your outcomes.

Our pills are all sugar-free and non-reactive so you know you’re tracking a pure placebo effect.

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The Placebo Care System is coming soon.
Sign up to be notified when we launch.